References (green) and partners (yellow) worldwide
SEVAR AG has a large number of references worldwide. In the following a selection of them is presented.
Customer | Place | Country | Model | Water evaporation [kg/h] | Water evaporation [lb/h] |
SAUR | Grenoble, Crolles | France | BD 1500/2 | 110 | 240 |
John Cockerill | Paris | France | BD 750/2 | 40 | 88 |
CTBM | Saint-Pie, Quebec | Canada | BD 3000/6 | 1,250 | 2,800 |
SEEN Technologie | Grajewo | Poland | BD 3000/6 | 1,000 | 2,000 |
Clark Construction Group | Howard County, Savage, MD | USA | 2x BD 3000/8 | 4,000 | 8,800 |
Hoffman Construction Group | Oak Harbor, WA | USA | BD 300/6 | 1,500 | 3,300 |
PreZero Energy Zorbau GmbH | Zorbau | Germany | BD 3000/16 | 4,700 | 10,300 |
Hawkins | Whanganui | New Zealand | BD 3000/11 | 3,000 | 6,600 |
Liger | Locminé | France | BD 3000/7 | 1,200 | 2,600 |
Budimex S.A. | Tomaszów | Poland | BD 3000/8 | 2,000 | 4,400 |
Dubai Municipality | Jebel Ali | UAE | 3x BD 3000/12 | 10,500 | 23,100 |
Klärschlammverwertung Albstadt GmbH | Albstadt | Germany | BD 3000/6 | 1,000 | 2,200 |
Les Mielles | Cherbourg | France | BD 3000/6 | 1,300 | 2,860 |
SEEN Technologie | Opole | Poland | 2x BD 3000/ | 2,100 | 4,600 |
For the Stel II project, the French company NIJHUIS SAUR INDUSTRIES placed an order with SEVAR AG in March 2022 for a belt dryer of the size BD 1500/2 , including delivery, installation supervision and support with automation and commissioning. Due to its compact dimensions of LxWxH = 7.8 x 3.6 x 4.2 m, the belt dryer was transported fully assembled from the factory in Karlsdorf-Neuthard to the installation building in Crolles near Grenoble in France using a heavy-duty transporter. A second truck transported the external units such as the exhaust air blower, feed unit, discharge screw, back-mixing unit consisting of a trough chain conveyor, dosing screw and twin-shaft mixer.
Excess sludge from the biological treatment of industrial wastewater from the semiconductor industry, dewatered to 16 % DR by means of a screw press, is dried to > 60 % DR in the two modules of the belt dryer at a designed throughput of 144 kg/h. The feeding unit of the belt dryer, consisting of a distributor, dosing unit and roller press, granulates the fed material before drying. An internal backmixing system is installed for optimum drying. Dried material is mixed with the dewatered sludge to 30 % TR. This gives the material to be dried a favorable volume-to-surface ratio for water transfer to the drying air. [...]

Belt Dryer Cométha (FRA)

Cométha is a joint innovation partnership project between SIAAP (French wastewater association) and Syctom (public operator for household waste recycling) in the Paris region, France. The companies treat the wastewater of 9 million inhabitants and treat the household waste of 6 million inhabitants. For Syctom‘s goal of turning waste into a resource with a sustainable circular economy, recycling routes are constantly being optimized. The Belgian engineering group John Cockerill has overall responsibility for the project as EPC contractor with the participation of SEVAR AG as subcontractor for drying.
Cométha focuses on the treatment of the solid and liquid fraction from biowaste generated during its treatment in the biogas plant. The methanization (anaerobic treatment) of organic material produces biomethane, which, purified, can be injected into the gas grid or used as fuel for vehicles. The digestate is the nutrient-rich residue left over from the fermentation process. In phase 2, Cométha is investigating in the pilot scale plant the feasibility of joint treatment (novel mixture) of the following solid and liquid biological materials with a high organic content: fats, sewage sludge, liquid fraction of garbage, household waste and horse manure. [...]
Belt Dryer CTBM, Quebec (CAN)
BELT DRyer BD 3000/6
CTBM - Centre de Traitement de la Biomasse de la Montérégie - is an organic waste management center for the treatment of liquid and semi-liquid residues from the agricultural and food industries in Canada. The center is equipped with three digesters and a secondary digester for biomethanization of the biogenic residues to produce biogas. A part of biogas is used as energy for the center, while the other part is injected into the public utility grid.
Since 2023 CTBM has been operating a Belt Dryer BD 3000/6 for drying pre-dried organic residues (digestate) of anaerobically digested compost (80%) mixed with wood chips (20%). The organic mixture to be dried is fed onto the 3 m wide upper dryer belt via the feed unit consisting of a distributor, dosing unit and roller press. In the modules of the dryer, the humid material comes into contact with the circulating drying air, which is heated in the range of 100 - 130 °C, for more than one hour. [...]

Belt Dryer Grajewo (POL)

Since the end of 2022, the Belt Dryer BD 3000/6 for the full drying of industrial sewage sludge occuring in the biological treatment of dairy wastewater has been in operation in Grajewo, Poland.
The plant operator SM MLEKPOL is a Polish dairy cooperative and the largest milk processing group in Poland. MLEKPOL is one of the twenty largest raw milk processing companies in Europe. Approximately 5 million liters of milk from 9,000 milk producers are processed daily. The Polish engineering company SEEN Technologie is the general contractor.
The dairy wastewater is treated biologically in the company‘s own wastewater treatment plant. The sewage sludge created at a rate of 1.2 t/h and dewatered to 16 % DS is dried to 90 % DS with a Belt Dryer of size BD 3000/6 with a water evaporation rate of 1 t/h. For an optimum volume/surface ratio, the dewatered sewage sludge is back-mixed to 30% DS with approx. 300 kg/h of dried sewage sludge before it is fed onto the dryer belt. The dried sewage sludge is filled into big bags. [...]
Belt Dryer Howard County, MD (USA)
Howard County operates the Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant (LPWRP) in the state of Maryland, USA. As part of the modernization of the treatment plant, the „Biosolids Belt Drying System“ was installed and has been in operation since January 2021.
The commission of the drying system by Clark Construction Group, LLC took place in February 2017. The engineering service of the „Biosolids Processing Facilities Improvement Project“ was provided by the renowned American architecture and engineering firm HDR, Inc.
Two parallel operating lines of the directly with natural gas or biogas heated belt dryer with a receiving bin for dewatered sewage sludge, feed pumps, back-mixing, dry material storage silos and spray condensers were built for a water evaporation capacity of 4.0 t/h [8,800 lb/h]. The electromechanical turnkey installed plant is designed for the complete drying of 5.0 tons of wet sludge per hour [11,000 lb(h] with 20% DS to 90% DS. The wet sludge is mixed with dry sludge to 30% DS before being fed onto the dryer belt. [...]

Belt Dryer Oak Harbor, WA (USA)

In 2015, the well-known American construction and civil engineering company Hoffman Constructions Group ordered a complete Biosolids Belt Dryer System from SEVAR AG for the complete drying of undigested, dewatered waste activated sludge (WAS) produced during wastewater treatment at the Oak Harbor Wastewater Treatment Plant. Oak Harbor is a city located on Whidbey Island in Washington State on the U.S. West Coast. To protect the environment, for urban development, and to recover resources from wastewater, the City of Oak Harbor started the Clean Water Facility Project in 2010. In 2018, the wastewater treatment plant went into operation. (www.oakharborcleanwater.org/)
The surplus bacteria mass resulting from the aerated biological wastewater treatment (MBR) is dewatered to an average of 17.5% TR using centrifuges and stored in the wet cake storage hopper. The sewage sludge, dried to 90% TR by the Belt Dryer BD 3000/6, is transported to the truck receiving point by a conveyor system. The dry granules are trucked away and used as high quality fertilizer for golf courses, community gardens and other places. [...]
Belt dryer Jebel Ali Dubai (ARE)
SEVAR was contracted in 2009 to install three (3) lines of Belt Dryer BD 3000/12 with 12 drying modules for full drying of 112,000 t/a of digested sewage sludge. The sewage sludge is accumulated at the municipal wastewater treatment plant of Dubai in the Jebel Ali district with a connected size of 1,500,000 PE. The dry product is bagged and used as fertilizer. The requirement for the dried sludge was to produce a granular dry product with low dust formation.
The sewage sludge is dried using hot gas with drying temperatures up to 130 °C. The biogas produced during anaerobic sludge digestion at the WWTP is combusted and the resulting hot gas is mixed with fresh air and recycled gas to the drying temperature. If there is not enough biogas available, fuel oil can alternatively be used to generate the hot gas.
The sewage sludge, mechanically pre-dewatered with a centrifuge to approx. 22 % DS, is temporarily stored in two silos, each with a volume of 60 m³, and distributed to each of the three dryer lines via a trough chain conveyor. Via the dosing and distribution unit, the sludge is evenly fed onto the 3 m wide perforated stainless steel belt. [...]

Belt dryer Albstadt (DEU)

The city of Albstadt in Baden-Württemberg ensures a permanent, environmentally friendly and cost-effective sewage sludge disposal for the municipal sewage treatment plant as well as for the sewage treatment plants in the regional surroundings. For this purpose, a biomass cogeneration plant with sewage sludge drying has been realized at the Albstadt-Ebingen wastewater treatment plant.
In 2009, SEVAR was awarded for the construction of a turnkey sewage sludge drying plant with a throughput of 12,000 t/a sewage sludge with an average dry solids content of 30%.
The Belt Dryer BD 3000/6 consists of six drying modules. Adjacent to the dryer building, a receiving bunker with a moving floor is utilized to store the delivered sewage sludge with a volume of 120 m3. A trough chain conveyor transports the sludge to the feeding unit of the belt dryer and distributes it over the width of the belt of 3 m. [...]
Belt dryer Opole (POL)
In 2013, SEVAR AG installed two (2) lines of the Belt Dryer BD 3000/6 with a water evaporation capacity in total of 2,100 kg H2O/h in the sludge treatment building of the Opole Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, a city in Poland. Independent operation of both lines is possible. The general contractor was the Polish engineering company SEEN Technologie.
Yearly 24,000 t of digested sewage sludge with a DS content of approx. 25% are dried to 90% DS with the two lines of the Belt Dryer BD 3000/6.
The hot cooling water of the CHP units with a temperature of approx. 95 °C is used in an indirect heating system consisting of tube-bundle heat exchangers to heat the drying gas to an average temperature of 80 °C. In the event of a malfunction of the CHP unit, hot water is produced with a natural gas boiler. In a heat recovery system, the humid exhaust air (approx. 60 °C) is used to preheat the fresh supply air in a heat exchanger, and the exhaust gas is cooled down to approx. 45 °C. The exhaust air is then used for the drying process. [...]

Belt dryer Locminé (FRA)

Belt dryer BD 3000/7
In the department of Morbihan, since 2011, the French town of Locminé and its surrounding area, through the mixed-economy company LIGER (Locminé Innovation Management of Renewable Energies), have built a unique bioenergy center with 10 employees on a 4-ha site in the industrial park.
Unique in Europe, it is the first site to combine two green energy sources: Combustion of wood waste and methanization of digestate to produce electricity, heat, green fuel and fertilizer. The wood-fired heating plant is supplied with 3500 t/a of tree trimmings and by-products from sawmills. The methanization plant is operated with 60,000 t/a of organic material from a 20 km radius. The liquid digestate is used for agriculture and the solid digestate is used as fuel. Incoming biogas is utilized in a CHP plant for electricity and heat. The heat is used to produce hot water for feeding into the hot water network and for indirect heating of the belt dryer.
In 2015, SEVAR was contracted to install a turnkey digestate drying plant with a throughput of 12,700 t/a of digestate. The wet product with approx. 25 % DS from two centrifuges is fed to the Belt Dryer BD 3000/7 with seven modules via pumps. The feeding unit consisting of distributor, dosing unit and roller press distributes and granulates the product evenly onto the upper dryer belt with a width of 3 meters. [...]
Belt Dryer Tomaszów (POL)
Belt dryer BD 3000/8
In 2015, the Belt Dryer BD 3000/8 was commissioned for the full drying of undigested municipal sewage sludge generated in the mechanical and biological treatment phase of the wastewater treatment plant in the Polish town of Tomaszów Mazowiecki.
The Polish water utility company Zakład Gospodarki Wodno - Kanalizacyjnej w Tomaszowie Mazowieckim Spółka z o.o. builds and operates water supply and wastewater treatment plant in the Łódź region. The company has been responsible for wastewater and sludge treatment at the wastewater treatment plant since 2000. The Polish construction company Budimex S.A. was the general contractor for the construction of the sludge dewatering and drying system and the client of SEVAR AG. [...]

Belt dryer KTA Zorbau (DEU)

In the Zorbau waste incineration plant, downstream of the turbine, a part of the steam volume is used for drying digested or stabilized, dewatered sewage sludge resulting from the treatment of municipal wastewater. In 2017, a fully automated sewage sludge drying plant (KTA) with a Belt Dryer BD 3000/16 with 16 modules was commissioned for this purpose.
The sludge is transported by LAV (Landwirtschaftliches Verarbeitungszentrum Makranstädt) from various storage facilities and stored in one of the two inground bunkers. Via hydraulically operated moving floors and a trough chain conveyor, the dewatered sludge is fed to the integrated back-mixing system. The back-mixing is is done with dried material in a twin-screw mixer to a DS content > 30 %. The sludge conditioned in this way is fed evenly and with increased surface area onto the upper dryer belt by the Ditributor/Dosing unit and Roller press. After drying to 90 % DS, the sludge is homogenized to 4 mm grain size in a roller mill, cooled, transported and stored in the dry material storage silo. [...]
In 2018 SEVAR installed the first belt dryer in New Zealand, ordered by Hawkins Infrastructure. The Belt Dryer of size BD 3000/11 dries 28,000 t/a of digested, dewatered sewage sludge. The sewage sludge occurs at the Whanganui District Council‘s municipal wastewater treatment plant. The WWTP is located not far from Lake Tasman and the airport. Whanganui District Council began the construction of the new wastewater treatment plant in 2016. Completion took place in the year 2018. The plant is designed to serve 40,000 residents as well as an industrial load with a 300,000 PE connection size.
The reasons for operating the drying plant were to reduce sludge volume and make sludge disposal safer and easier. By choosing a thermal drying process, the guidelines of the US EPA Class A Rule 503 are met.
Stabilized sewage sludge is mechanically dewatered with centrifuges to a minimum of 17 - 20% DS and pumped to the dryer. In a twin-shaft mixer the dewatered sludge is mixed with a portion of the dried sludge to 30% DS. This gives the sludge a higher dry matter content and a favorable volume-surface-ration for an efficient process. [...]
See here the video of the Whanganui WWTP inluding drying process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Iy_buNT9hU